CP Football research on show at VISTA conference

CP Football research on show at VISTA conference


IFCPF was delighted to once again be represented at the annual VISTA Conference by Professor Raul Reina, IFCPF Head of Classification. In addiiton, Alba Roldan and Matias Henriquez also shared important research on CP Football in which he collaborated with Professor Reina and colleagues.

Point-Based Classification System

Professor Reina represented IFCPF and his research 'The Basis for the Development of a Point-Based Classification System in CP Football'. Based at Miguel Hernandez University in Elche (Spain), Professor Reina shared his research on the development of CP Football classification which has developed CP Football's system to be one of the most well respected in Para sport.


Preofessor Reina's research and work in Para sport classification is so well recognised, that he was asked to be a speaker at the conference, talking to the delegates bout "Is possible the linkage of performance determination in team para-sports with classification purposes? An example applied in CP Football."

The work presented by Professor Reina was also supported by D. Catillo, A. Iturricastillo, C. Toledo and J. Yanci.


Evaluation of Impaired Balance

The second poster and piece of research was presented by Alba Roldán about "Evaluation of Impaired Balance in Para-Athletes Using Smartphones."

Supporting this research was C. Toledo, D. Barbado, J.M. Sarabia, C. Caballero and R. Reina; with an another important addition to CP Football's evidence-based classification system.


Two Small Sided Games

Mr Matias Henriquez presnted research conducted with Professor Reina and A. Iturricastillo on "Time Motion Characteristics and Physiological Responses of Para-Footballers with Cerebral Palsy in Two Small Sided Games."

Building upon on the developments over the past years where Small Sided Games (SSGs) have been introduced to the CP Football classification process, this research sought to explore the physical perfomance of players in SSGs and simulated matches.


Thank you!

IFCPF is hugely indebted to the knowledgeable volunteers who give their time and expertise to make CP Football a leading Para sport which is used as the example on many fronts. The work in classification by Professor Reina and his team is driving forward Para sport, evidence-based classification and research.