IFCPF announce new Rankings System
NewsIFCPF has developed a new ranking system which will recognise the development of CP Football in more countries, positioning them on the WRL. The main differences from the previous system are that countries can receive not only ranking points from the main tournaments but also in other tournaments. Additionally, countries can also earn points if they hold National Championships and CP Football development programs.
In the attached letter you can find a detailed explanation of the new system. If you have further questions don’t hesitate to contact IFCPF.
The logic of the IFCPF Ranking Points Procedure is that any country that participates in CP football wins points which enable it to climb the World and Regional Rankings Lists.
The Rankings Lists are maintained for the following reasons:
- Realistic comparison of teams
- To support seeding for tournament draws
- Highlight worldwide, regional and national participation
- Promotion of CP Football
Further information can be found on the Rankings pageโ

Regional Rankings Lists
As the CP Football competition programme continues to grow, particularly at world and regional level, IFCPF feel it is important to reflect the ongoing commitment and development of all member nations.
Based upon each nation's position within the IFCPF World Rankings, our Regional Rankings lists seek to develop competition within each region.
Further information can be found via the links section of this page
Under 19
IFCPF are working to develop further opportunities within CP Football and throughout its competition programme. With a focus on Under 19 provision to develop more youth progrmmes, it is important to reflect the ongoing commitment and development of all member nations.